AMBULANCE a feature documentary (58/80) by Mohamed Jabaly
A raw, first-person account of the last war in Gaza in the summer of 2014. Mohamed Jabaly, a young man from Gaza City, joins an ambulance crew as war approaches, looking for his place in a country under siege, where at times there seems to be no foreseeable future. While thousands of things are published on the recurring violence in Gaza, the stories behind them remain hidden. Not this one.
for more info check the film website: |
Solfege A short documentary by Mohamed Jabaly
Group of young Palestinian Musicians, (SOL Band), challenge all situations in Gaza Strip forming their own music band they want to breakthrough their messages of hope and life from Gaza Strip- Palestine
صولفيج فيلم وثائقي موسيقي قصير لـ محمد الجبالي يقوم الفيلم على مجموعة من الشباب الناشئة، أجتمعو على حلم يطفوا على أنغام موسيقية، يقوموا ببناء فريق من بين ثنايا الأمل، ليكّونوا "صول باند"، وذلك إختصاراً لمفتاح الموسيقى، وبالمعنى العام فريق مفتاح الموسيقى، الذي يحلم على أنغام الموسيقى التعبيرية، ومن فكرة صغيرة إلى حلم كبير جمعهم على مسرح واحد، ليرسموا بموسيقاهم وآلاتهم حالتهم التي يعيشونها Copyrights © 2015 |
DABOOS A short film by Mohamed Jabaly |
The story behind the film is based on a realistic story about three friends reflections on their leisure time. These guys live in Gaza with a lot of free time and being together every day, trying to live their lives the best they can with passion and happiness. The situation of the city on the other hand, makes them mad and not feel well! This affects the friends to do bad stuff and look for a different route in life. Now it’s about escaping the impending tragedy, to awake from a nightmare which is taking over. The film aims to highlight the youths leisure time, embodied by the central figure”Daboos”, a young man who is trying to escape the reality and responsibilities of human life. Copyrights © 2015 |
دبوس/ فيلم قصير – سيناريو وإخراج: محمد الجبالي
يقوم الفيلم على دراما واقعية تحاكي ثلاث أصدقاء، تجمع بينهم صحبة المساء، وحب الحياة، يجلسوا كل ليلة لينادو السعادة، طريقهم بسيط ولكن سوء حال البلد جعلهم يلجئوا إلى طريق مختلف لينجّروا من خلاله إلى عرك الحياة للهروب من مآساة الواقع، ينشأ بينهم جسر مبني على الوهم و أمل صنع التغيير، وفي أحد الليالي يجلسون كما روتين الايام السابقة، ليسهرون ويتسامروا في حديث البلد وحينها ينجروا إلى صراع خالي من الآمال، بسقوط أحدهم أرضاً على أنغام موسيقية، حيث ينتهي بهم المطاف إلى إنغلاق تام وتوتر يصيب المكان، يبدأو بالتفكير من خلال مرورهم عبر مساحة حلم. كمثال لقصة واقعية، يهدف الفيلم إلى تسليط الضوء على أوقات فراغ الشباب، حيث سيتم تجسيد القصة عبر شخصية محورية (دبوس) والتي تتمثل بالهروب من واقع الحياة الذي دمرتها خبايا المجتمع وفراغ الوقت. |
We Teach life Sir - نحن نعلم الحياة سيدي
There is no time to mourn, no house without martyrs, no land as Gaza Gaza in minutes to the world. Lyrics: Rafeef Ziadah - From the poem “We teach life, sir!” Palestinian Unit group: WATAR BAND Ayman Mghames (Palestinian Rappers) Khaled Harara (Black Unit) Directed by Mohammed Jabaly Copyrights © 2014 |
Gaza Singing for Peace - Behind the scenes
Gaza Singing for Peace - Phase 2 Behind the scenes Directed&Edited by : Mohamed Jabaly Photography: Abood Saymah, Mohamed Jabaly Copyrights © 2015 |
New Dream - حلم جديد من غزة
This is devoted to epic strength of Palestinian people in Gaza, until we free Directed by : Mohamed Jabaly Written and vocal : Aoday Aldremle Sound engineering : Waheeb Abo Baker Coordination : Aladden Al-Reefi Video shooting and Editor : Mohamed Jabaly Translation : Ibrahim Ashour Recording at : Mashareq studios group Producted by : Save Youth Future Society Copyrights © 2014 |
Bodybuilding from Gaza
"A short motivation video about bodybuilding sport in Gaza city" Directed by : Mohamed Jabaly Bodybuilding Man : Saed Soliman Preparation : Abu Eskandar Khayal D.O.P & Editor : Mohamed Jabaly Copyrights © 2014 |
Love Recipe - Short film
"The short film discusses love and youth situation in Gaza through possible social media. It is a real life-event of a Gazan young man falling in love with a girl form the West Bank. Though the two districts belong to Palestinian authorities, but the political effects affected this relationship. He was banned to go for his girlfriend, and this act represents life tragic situations in Palestinian territories." Directed by: Mohamed Jabaly NOTE: the film production ended in less than a week Copyrights © 2014 |
Gaza singing for Peace | غزة تغني للسلام
Music Against Violence project - Gaza Director of Photography & Editor Mohamed Jabaly Photography Team: Abood Saymah - Motaz Al-Araj - Mohammed Daher - Mohamed Jabaly - Saed Ahel |
Banned Culture (SHOT FILM)
"The idea of this film to shed light on the important issue of Palestinian society, which is the right of citizens of all sects and groups to obtain information from any source and freedom of expression in the two parts of the homeland in Gaza and the West Bank, and to point to the problem as a real problem and to find out the illogical and illegal reason to prevent the introduction of newspapers magazines and restrict freedom of opinion and expression in Palestine and prevent individuals to obtain information and knowledge." Directed by: Mohamed Jabaly Production: The Coalition for Accountability and integrity (AMAN) Copyrights © 2013 |
Gaza Singing for Peace promotion
Music Against Violence project - Gaza Produced & Directed by : Mohamed Jabaly Copyrights © 2013 |
Mc Gaza - Heek Bnshofha | هيك بنشوفها
This song talking about the people in Gaza and how they are can see Gaza , the hope and the life
MC Gaza Music Prod : Bashir Besaiso Participate with : Ali Jabaly Production : Heek bnshof Gaza Group, Naseej Foundation Directed by : Mohamed Jabaly Copyrights © 2012 |
Gaza Skate Teama Short Film by Mohamed Jabaly
"Like everything in Gaza, sports are restricted due to blockade imposed on Gaza Strip. The movie discusses a sport practiced by young people challenging lack of places and safety for it, They are ambitions to improve this and to represent Palestinians in international sport events." Assistant Cameraman : Hassan Gharbia - Subtitles : Fidaa Zanin Directed by : Mohamed Jabaly يتحدث الفيلم عن مجموعة من الشباب الفلسطيني الذين يمارسون رياضة التزلج بمدينة غزة ، مثلهم كمثل إي إنسان لديه طموح وهواية ، يكافحون من إجل التطوير ، يواجهون صعوبات ولكن رغم كل شيء يتحدون الواقع والحصار قامو بإنشاء فريق وعملو على تطوير لعبتهم المخصصة لتصل الفكرة التي نشأو من أجلها إلى الجميع Copyrights © 2013 |
a Short Film by Mohamed Jabaly
"The film discusses life realities in Palestine generally and life in Gaza Strip in specific that we behold with our eyes and we hide much of it between in our hearts due to realities wave in our impulse. We don't want, nor can we accept such a lifestyle in Gaza. Yet we can only pass by it with silence turning our backs to it, and hide what whispers to us in silence, as we also speak in silence. This film provokes daily activities of a Gazan girl who lives like everyone these realities." يتحدث الفيلم عن واقع الحياة الفلسطينية بشكل عام والغزاوية بشكل خاص والتي نراها بأعيننا ولكن نخفي الكثير عنها بداخلنا بسبب الواقع الذي يمشي و يجوب عروقنا بشكل لا نريده ولا نتقبله ، ومع ذلك لا يمكننا إلا ان نغض العين عنه ونخفي ما يجوب بداخلنا ونتحدث بلغة الصمت ، تدور أحداث الفيلم عن تفاصيل ليوم تمر به فتاة فلسطينية تعيش كالجميع بهذا الواقع Copyrights © 2012 |
McGaza - The Story Isn't WorthlessMc Gaza - The Story Isn't Worthless - القصة مش خاوية (Music Video)

Mohamed Jabaly
I am a Palestinian artist and filmmaker, hoping to make my life in Gaza. I hoped then worked on producing films on Palestinian representations of life style and dreams. Like every person I took lead in making my career steps. I am a media coordinator, photographer and filmmaker at Save Youth Future society, yet my passion to representing expressive arts, sports and music has been growing, I purpose at improving my personal capacities in filmmaking production, as well as this improvement will be a window for many Palestinians look to show a good picture in international communities and make international communities connect to heritage and literacy of Palestinians.
I have done many short-films, music videos on things happening in Gaza and Palestinian lifestyle. I am a professional photographer. I have passion to represent Palestinian society to national and international community through expressive tools, songs, films and photos to open a new window to the world on Gaza people, places, and life.
He has been working and following up on a project called (like this we see Gaza 1,2 and 3) since June 2011, as project coordinator, director, creative filmmaking trainer and teaching young adults within photography and filmmaking, creating films presenting the daily life style of the city of Gaza.
ARTS is the way!
"Trust yourself, continue walking in your way to practical knowledge and give yourself the chance to try! Just try and try, Keep looking to find the success road, learn from your failure and become what you want."
My works & Interests
Arts \ Filmmaking \ Photography \ Editing \ Cinematography \ Media Production \ Production & Film Direction \ Graphic Design\ Journalism \ Street Art\ Social Networking \ Training \ Painting \ Short Films \ Documentaries \ Drawing \ Screenwriting \ Fine Arts.
General coordinator/Heek Bnshof Gaza Group
Media Coordinator/ Save Youth Future Society
Filmmaker/ GazaShowTv
Member of/General Union of palestinian Artists
Member of/Palestinian Artists Association in Gaza.
-Ambulance (80/58) Feature Documentary, Copyright 2016
-Daboos (short film) Fiction, Drama, 07:35 minutes, Copyright 2015
-Here’s Gaza (short film), Documentary, 02:15 minutes, Copyright 2014
-We Teach life Sir (Video Clip - Song), Musical, 05:43 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Saffa (Short film), Drama, Action, 20:00 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Love Recipe (short film), Drama, Romance, 08:04 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Adorning him in his absence (short film), Drama, Romance, 06:45 minutes, Copyright 2014.
- Solfege (short film), musical, Documentary, 11:40minutes, Copyright 2013
-Gaza Singing for Peace (06 videos), Musical, Copyright 2013.
-Banned Culture (short film), Drama, 05:50 Minutes, Copyright 2013.
-Gaza Skate Team (short film), Sport, Documentary, 05:53minutes, Copyright2013
-Gaza to 2013 (Short film), documentary, 13:27 minutes, Copyright 2013.
-I see what I want (Short film), Drama, 11:27 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-In Gaza , Life Under occupation (short film), documentary, 07:37 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Flower Thorns | أشواك زهرة (short film), Drama, Action, 04:33 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Gaza Noise | ضوضاء (short film), Documentary about the electricity, 18:56 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Heek Bnshofha(Video Clip - Song),Musical, Copyright 2012.
-Baladna Initiative Stand-up (4 videos ) about Gaza, copyright 2012.
-GazaStandUp (11 videos).
-Messages from Gaza To 2012,(short film)documentary, copyright 2012.
Artistic and Exhibitions:
2015, Organizing "Gaza One Year on" a stand and an exhibition in the first envicity of the israeli attack over Gaza
2014, Organizing “Outdoor Exhibition about the daily life in Gaza” Tromsø, Norway.
2014, Organizing “Gaza 51 ME&U” Exhibition – Tromsø, Norway.
2014, Organizing “Gaza 51 ME&U” Exhibition – Lighthouse, Gaza.
2014, Organizing "Heek Benshouf Gaza 3" exhibition in Lighthouse, Gaza - funded: British consulate-general-Jerusalem, and implemented by SYFS
2013, Palestine Photo-marathon - Gaza, Palestine.
2013, Mural Painting about the anniversary 65th of Palestinian Nakba.
2013, participation in making mural painting on women's right to inheritance - Women Affairs center.
2012, organizing a small gallery for (Lost Childhood) with Save Youth Future.
2012, Artistic participation in the seventh Tolerance Gallery Ramallah, Gaza/Palestine.
2012, Organizing "Shadow" exhibition in Avenue Gaza City funded by Naseej Foundation
2012, Mural Paintings in freedom of expression in kind fund of Naseej Foundation.
2012, Participating in competition and winning best short film in Advocacy against Law of execution , leaders Organization funded by EU.
2011,"Palestinian dream mural" NCCR (Gaza).
2011, Artistic participation in the sixth Tolerance Gallery Ramallah, Gaza/Palestine.
2011, Mural painting about Palestinian prisoners – SOORA Youth Group.
2011, Organizing photography gallery at Roots with AMIDEAST , Gaza.
2011, Mural painting against armed violence (SYFS).
2011, Mural painting in first, second and third memorial of Gaza incursion 2009 - Ministry of Culture.
2010, Mural painting about protecting environment with SHAREK youth Form.
2010, Mural in Memorial of Palestinian Nakba in University College applied sciences, Gaza.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” Albert Einstein.
I am a Palestinian artist and filmmaker, hoping to make my life in Gaza. I hoped then worked on producing films on Palestinian representations of life style and dreams. Like every person I took lead in making my career steps. I am a media coordinator, photographer and filmmaker at Save Youth Future society, yet my passion to representing expressive arts, sports and music has been growing, I purpose at improving my personal capacities in filmmaking production, as well as this improvement will be a window for many Palestinians look to show a good picture in international communities and make international communities connect to heritage and literacy of Palestinians.
I have done many short-films, music videos on things happening in Gaza and Palestinian lifestyle. I am a professional photographer. I have passion to represent Palestinian society to national and international community through expressive tools, songs, films and photos to open a new window to the world on Gaza people, places, and life.
He has been working and following up on a project called (like this we see Gaza 1,2 and 3) since June 2011, as project coordinator, director, creative filmmaking trainer and teaching young adults within photography and filmmaking, creating films presenting the daily life style of the city of Gaza.
ARTS is the way!
"Trust yourself, continue walking in your way to practical knowledge and give yourself the chance to try! Just try and try, Keep looking to find the success road, learn from your failure and become what you want."
My works & Interests
Arts \ Filmmaking \ Photography \ Editing \ Cinematography \ Media Production \ Production & Film Direction \ Graphic Design\ Journalism \ Street Art\ Social Networking \ Training \ Painting \ Short Films \ Documentaries \ Drawing \ Screenwriting \ Fine Arts.
General coordinator/Heek Bnshof Gaza Group
Media Coordinator/ Save Youth Future Society
Filmmaker/ GazaShowTv
Member of/General Union of palestinian Artists
Member of/Palestinian Artists Association in Gaza.
-Ambulance (80/58) Feature Documentary, Copyright 2016
-Daboos (short film) Fiction, Drama, 07:35 minutes, Copyright 2015
-Here’s Gaza (short film), Documentary, 02:15 minutes, Copyright 2014
-We Teach life Sir (Video Clip - Song), Musical, 05:43 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Saffa (Short film), Drama, Action, 20:00 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Love Recipe (short film), Drama, Romance, 08:04 minutes, Copyright 2014
-Adorning him in his absence (short film), Drama, Romance, 06:45 minutes, Copyright 2014.
- Solfege (short film), musical, Documentary, 11:40minutes, Copyright 2013
-Gaza Singing for Peace (06 videos), Musical, Copyright 2013.
-Banned Culture (short film), Drama, 05:50 Minutes, Copyright 2013.
-Gaza Skate Team (short film), Sport, Documentary, 05:53minutes, Copyright2013
-Gaza to 2013 (Short film), documentary, 13:27 minutes, Copyright 2013.
-I see what I want (Short film), Drama, 11:27 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-In Gaza , Life Under occupation (short film), documentary, 07:37 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Flower Thorns | أشواك زهرة (short film), Drama, Action, 04:33 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Gaza Noise | ضوضاء (short film), Documentary about the electricity, 18:56 minutes, Copyright 2012.
-Heek Bnshofha(Video Clip - Song),Musical, Copyright 2012.
-Baladna Initiative Stand-up (4 videos ) about Gaza, copyright 2012.
-GazaStandUp (11 videos).
-Messages from Gaza To 2012,(short film)documentary, copyright 2012.
Artistic and Exhibitions:
2015, Organizing "Gaza One Year on" a stand and an exhibition in the first envicity of the israeli attack over Gaza
2014, Organizing “Outdoor Exhibition about the daily life in Gaza” Tromsø, Norway.
2014, Organizing “Gaza 51 ME&U” Exhibition – Tromsø, Norway.
2014, Organizing “Gaza 51 ME&U” Exhibition – Lighthouse, Gaza.
2014, Organizing "Heek Benshouf Gaza 3" exhibition in Lighthouse, Gaza - funded: British consulate-general-Jerusalem, and implemented by SYFS
2013, Palestine Photo-marathon - Gaza, Palestine.
2013, Mural Painting about the anniversary 65th of Palestinian Nakba.
2013, participation in making mural painting on women's right to inheritance - Women Affairs center.
2012, organizing a small gallery for (Lost Childhood) with Save Youth Future.
2012, Artistic participation in the seventh Tolerance Gallery Ramallah, Gaza/Palestine.
2012, Organizing "Shadow" exhibition in Avenue Gaza City funded by Naseej Foundation
2012, Mural Paintings in freedom of expression in kind fund of Naseej Foundation.
2012, Participating in competition and winning best short film in Advocacy against Law of execution , leaders Organization funded by EU.
2011,"Palestinian dream mural" NCCR (Gaza).
2011, Artistic participation in the sixth Tolerance Gallery Ramallah, Gaza/Palestine.
2011, Mural painting about Palestinian prisoners – SOORA Youth Group.
2011, Organizing photography gallery at Roots with AMIDEAST , Gaza.
2011, Mural painting against armed violence (SYFS).
2011, Mural painting in first, second and third memorial of Gaza incursion 2009 - Ministry of Culture.
2010, Mural painting about protecting environment with SHAREK youth Form.
2010, Mural in Memorial of Palestinian Nakba in University College applied sciences, Gaza.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” Albert Einstein.